HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mom's out there!


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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh...Thanks for the reminder. :o :o :o

yes. we´re going to have dinner for mine...

Thank goodness for moms

Mi brothers, sisters and I are giving my mom a surprise party... she thinks we forgot about mothers day. The good news is that we haven't; she's gonna remember this day forever :) LOVE YOU MOM!!

Mi brothers, sisters and I are giving my mom a surprise party... she thinks we forgot about mothers day. The good news is that we haven't; she's gonna remember this day forever :) LOVE YOU MOM!!

What are you doing for her?

I didn't know it, but we got my mom a digital camera.

What are you doing for her?

I didn't know it, but we got my mom a digital camera.

Well, we talked to a "Mariachi" band that will sing for her some mothers day songs (in spanish) and we invited all of our friends and family to our home (She is working right now and doesn't get off untill later today; 4:30 Cental time). We called a construction group several weeks ago and they came today to rebuild he porch... they're working on it right now :). I think that's all we're doing... and of course we have Mexican food and presents :)

Wow! Sounds like you'll have a happy mom pretty soon.

Wow! Sounds like you'll have a happy mom pretty soon.

Hopefully!... we don't want to make her cry because it's a very special day for her.... but I know she will because she is very sentimental.... if she cries, she'll do it because she is happy :)

Mother's...day? Oh, yeah. Over here in GBR, mother's Day has long since came and went. Like zeroth, we had dinner, and a really naughty yet nice chocolate fudge cake for pud.... *drools*

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