Saw this mentioned on a forum a while ago and thought it was a good idea for a thread. So to start the ball rolling, one of my gripes is the use of premium rate numbers for existing clients, service call etc. If you a potential new client looking at a product or service, i bet the number to call will generally be a freephone 0800 number, but when your a customer or have a complaint suddenly its an 0870 or similar premium rate number. That to me smacks of lack of respect. I know there are sites that provide the actual landline numbers such as noto0870, but i should not have to spend time searching for an alternative number.

Whats your little annoyance?

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All 11 Replies

Not in order of annoyance factor:

  • How every product these days is labeled "deluxe" or "premium", even the crap
  • people who argue emotion rather than reason
  • trolls

Or a label like "WITH FRESH EGGS!". Why mention it? With what else would the product have been made? Rotten eggs?

"New and improved", "Userfriendly", "Free" usually mean the opposite.

The Two Ronnies did a routine once where they translated ad-speak. For example:

What they say: tomato juice made from farm-grown tomatoes
What it means: watered down tomato juice


When they say: made from farm-grown, hand-picked, dew-dipped tomatoes
What it means: watered down tomato juice, watered down

How about "fresh frozen"? It's either fresh or it isn't.

That's a correct term. It was frozen when fresh...

How every product these days is labeled "deluxe" or "premium", even the crap

"premium" and "deluxe" just means "extra expensive".
"Limited edition" means "feature limited" rather than the "limited availability" it's hinted to mean...

That's a correct term. It was frozen when fresh...

I know what it means. I just think it is misleading. It's like "free download". For one thing, the download isn't free because you are paying for your connection. And after you download it you have to pay to use/unlock it. It may be true but it is misleading. Then again, isn't that what advertising is meant to do?

Availability is always limited. There is ever only a finite number of items.

Reverend Jim:

Availability is always limited. There is ever only a finite number of items.

Are you sure of that ? It always seems there is an unlimited amount of morons out there (and they all seem to have internet access).

commented: And they vote. +0

Caitlyn Jenner is over the moon about how his Vanity Fair photos came out! I have to pinch myself.

Computer companies (ARE YOU LISTENING, DELL) that tout USB 3 speeds of "up to ... MBPS, then claim that these are "theoretical maximums" when USB 3 turns out to be little or no faster than USB 2.

I hate how cribbage boards always come with plastic (instead of metal) pegs that snap off in the holes within days.

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