Hello everyone. After 15 months without a job I have been offered a trial run in a......flour mill (water wheel included, but they don't use it). If I get the job I'll as close as matters be "Living off the land", something that has become somewhat rare in my country. I'll finally be able to follow my hippy ideals :p . Nice one, hey?


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Hello everyone. After 15 months without a job I have been offered a trial run in a......flour mill (water wheel included, but they don't use it). If I get the job I'll as close as matters be "Living off the land", something that has become somewhat rare in my country. I'll finally be able to follow my hippy ideals :p . Nice one, hey?


Nice. :) Will you have Internet access? Have you ever read any Thoreau? One of my favorite books related directly to what you speak of:

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."


That sounds pretty cool Stephen, I can;t lie...

But ya, like sharky said, definitely check out some Henry David Thoreau, who lived the ideals of Emerson (check him out too).

Good luck with it all. :)

Great! But get a laptop or something, if you haven't already, or we'll miss you sooo much D=

And then Daniweb will call you back.

You'll see.

lol i have a mental image of a nice countryside windmill and you open the door and its a server farm

Hello everyone. After 15 months without a job I have been offered a trial run in a......flour mill (water wheel included, but they don't use it). If I get the job I'll as close as matters be "Living off the land", something that has become somewhat rare in my country. I'll finally be able to follow my hippy ideals :p . Nice one, hey?


Did you ever see the kids tv show Camberwick Green?

Windy Miller just used to set his mill going then drink cider until he was slightly bladdered and lie asleep outside his mill all afternoon, they probably would deem it unsuitable for kids these days actually.

Made me want to be a miller.

I've seen flour mills here in USA, I've visited them a few times. Extremly dirty and dusty -- flour all over the place. By the time your shift is over you will look like someone dumped a 50 lb sack of flour over your head. As for taking electronic equipment there -- forget it because it won't last five minutes in all that flour dust.

As for "Living off the land" -- farmers to that. If you want to do it then get a job on a farm.

Great! But get a laptop or something, if you haven't already, or we'll miss you sooo much D=

Perhaps I should have said in the OP, I'm not actually moving house. The mill is just outside my village. Still, a laptop would be nice if I could afford one. At the moment I'd rather spend my spare £s on trips to see my friends, who all live miles away :sad: . Does anyone who posts here live near Shropshire or Powys by the way?


i live between surrey and hampshire

lol i have a mental image of a nice countryside windmill and you open the door and its a server farm

LOL, indeed. :lol:;)

Perhaps I should have said in the OP, I'm not actually moving house.

Whoops. Forget the whole evil-master-brain-of-Daniweb-calling-you-back type image. My bad.:o

As an update to what I said about the job earlier; I failed the trial at the mill and the owner replaced me with someone else :mad: . However, a couple of weeks after that I got a job in a call centre in Bristol supporting BT broadband users :) . It's known as first line IT support, which is why I've changed my user title to reflect this role :p . I've already moved into the city and I start tommorow. Happy days, hey?


hah youll have your work cut out. BT broadband is crummy

Hey! Good for you... Working on a farm and the likes is good for you and is... oddly fun. My mother lives on a farm, and I work there some times over the sumer and over vacations. She has internet access, in case you were wondering, yes you can get it there.

Have fun!

wherewe have a farm in scotland its 28k dialup lol

lucky you. Know a guy in Alasky (not a farmer, but he's caretaker of a nature preserve so similar conditions) who's stuck with a generator (no powergrid out there) and a satellite phone (no landlines either).
No sewer system of course (so he has his own sewage pit), no water being piped in (so he has his own well), only accessible by aircraft from september (if he's lucky, sometimes august) to april (sometimes may) (and that's if the weather is good enough to allow aircraft to come in).

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