The main blog I use had a total system meltdown last month and when it ended my wedge of it was loaded with bugs. Posting was impossible, staff didn't help. I started another new blog, on another host system. Original blog: every day 'people' TRY to post trash on my pages --even if page is many months-old. (--I close Comments on older pages, vermin move to newer pages, ad nausea.) System gives: Daily, Cumulative count spam attempts.

Being tech semi-illiterate* --don't know how to "export" & don't trust: I left the titles but cut content of certain pages (relevant for new blog), and replaced with message--
'this page can now be found @ ' --with links to new blog & to new page.

Under that I wrote:

If you are a spammer STOP --Don't MoveIf you Continue spamming This system --and The other oneThe World CAN and WILL boycott the Olympics AND Not buy Another Exported thing

Message was on the Front page. Stayed that way for 27 --that is Twenty-Seven-- days and original blog received:

Total Spam and Spam attempts: 0
Spam on new blog: 0

Not until message was moved off Front page, with two new pages, did spam attempts resume.

Original blog: PageRank 5
New blog: directly linked to it; & Sidebar links are quality, e.g. local -state gov, NY TIMES, Neighborhood Council, et al.
ALL the major engines have crawled, cached Both blogs --Not poorly placed --high in results; New blog: named after my community

So, I ask you, smart techies: while geeks are busy creating complex new tech ways to thwart spam, What If
--some such Message was put on the Front Page of Each website, blog --all over the world (viral?) --could That be the way --organically, we stop spam? --For a while?

If you say "No" --you will hafta:
a.) Explain how/why MY blog went spam-less for
entire 27! days
b.) ditto --new blog, no spam (still)
c.) WHY it would not succeed

--Justify your position, or I won't believe you.... Thinking of posting this all over the Internet....

b a y g e l l [a t] y a h o o
* I Just BARELY figured out how to Post This! it's weird/very slow....

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All 9 Replies

You were hit by a statistical fluke.
The vast majority of spam is generated by automatic processes that couldn't care less about the text of the posts they're spamming.
They work either completely at random or by looking for certain keywords in the text or title of a post and spamming if those words exist.
In the latter case you got lucky that you happened to use none of those words.

So posting something like you did MAY prevent that particular post from being spammed, but it won't protect any of your others and is therefore useless.

lol...Okay, First: Thanks for reply --upteen read it, tip-toed out silently. Not helpful.... Second: your answer is simultaneously informative and hilarious.

I put that message on Each of the pages content was cut, moved; last one just happened to be/remained on the Front page. Nearly all my pages get spammed --rather attempt is made. So...the Bot...took a month's vacation?...had Bird Flu awhile? do I get the "fluke" back? I'm willing to Bargain! I did actually think a human was paid to do the spamming (--from some pretty strange things I've seen in some), so your reply: why I posted this to techs/explains alot. Hilarious part: I don't have Good Enough Keywords??? LOL

Well, I see from this morning's count: have 22 new attempts...the Bot is Back in business.
So that leaves: Entire World hasta Boycott Olympics! Don't Buy Chinese Exports!

Ah well, Thank you for reply, Ta,


(I am extremely tired; if my reply doesn't make sense: sorry, I'll try to repair it later -possible?)

The thought of putting a "Don't spam here" sign on a website is about as ludicrous as the idea of putting a "Weeds strictly prohibited" sign in front of a flowerbed.

commented: LOL +11

So that leaves: Entire World hasta Boycott Olympics! Don't Buy Chinese Exports!

That's been my motto for years :)
Maybe spammers and I do have something in common, a dislike of Chinese communists :)

There are probably less true communists in China than there are in Holland.

Hey, I am up to 200 posts at Dani's Web! Time to celebrate! Five times more and I get a star! On top of that, my posts were not just "lols" or hate stuff.

That's been my motto for years :)
Maybe spammers and I do have something in common, a dislike of Chinese communists :)

Excellent! Glad to hear it, Jwenting. Getting ready to blog on this --make a campaign outta IOC having 'no problemo' --with massive pollution or mass murder, but way happy with the, uh, Chinese "gifts"??? members got, to
'approve' throwing Olympics thataway...What a Pit. (--said with Bette Davis emphasis) Now, if I could just get Wal-marters to 'move along' all we'd hafta fix is US massive debt to China.... Well, I can't do it all! Somebody's gotta help!

Thanks for reply,


"Spam Weeds Strictly Prohibited Here"
(--thanks to Joeprogrammer for my new slogan!)

It could possibly be that the bots that were spamming your blog were programmed to look at the date of the last Comment/Post or the activity levels on your blog. Since you moved everything to your new Blog i would be willing to bet that you stopped posting on the old one at the same time you put up that message. I am also willing to bet that the spam started again shortly after you posted something on your old blog in reguards to this :P.

Bingo! Thanks for replying. All the bugs, still, make it difficult to post new pages, much, but have shoved a few in. So...the Answer is... don't blog??? Hmm....

Spam Doesn't land ON my blog, my spam-catcher is smarter/better than the bots.

But Can Somebody PLEASE Tell WHY: entire world doesn't out the corporations that pay the morrons to spam? --The "Nissan -Dodge truck --Viagra --drug-pushers --Nextel, et al"? --The bad PR would hurt them More than the sales(???) they get from spam. WHY Don't we report Every piece of spam trash to govt reps --Complain to the corporations --and Blog on spam trash received each day?

WHICH corporation would dare claim 'it was an 'accident' --that a billion pieces with their name on it, landed all over the world?

I Really wanna Know: why the silent 'help' --by Not outting them?


But Can Somebody PLEASE Tell WHY: entire world doesn't out the corporations that pay the morrons to spam
The "Nissan -Dodge truck --Viagra --drug-pushers --Nextel, et al"? --The bad PR would hurt them More than the sales(???) they get from spam. WHY Don't we report Every piece of spam trash to govt reps --Complain to the corporations --and Blog on spam trash received each day?

WHICH corporation would dare claim 'it was an 'accident' --that a billion pieces with their name on it, landed all over the world?

I Really wanna Know: why the silent 'help' --by Not outting them?


There can be any number of reason for the spam that you see.

Most of the ones about Viagra and other meds are legitimate. Companies like this already have a bad rep for things like spam so why not keep going. Its making them money after all. The reason they still make money off it is because it is so cheap to get a high volume of these advertisments out there so even if only 1 person in 100 thousand buys their product as a result of it they are making a profit.

As for the big companies such as nissan advertising this could simply be some sort of smear tactic funded either by their competition or by someone who simply has a grudge against them especially with the bad rep behind spam.

Yes we could report every piece of spam to government reps, however this would not make any difference. The government reps have little to no power when it comes to the internet. Yes they can probably stop spam originating from the countries that have laws against spamming but the majority of the spam is coming from countries with no laws about spamming or they are being sent out by "drones".

There are a thousand reasons why the spammers can not be stopped. What it comes down to though is that the internet is just too damn big to police effectivly.

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