Well for some time now, i cannot add reputation points to anyone (Both +ve & -ve). Any idea why?

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Maybe its because you have negative reputation points or 0 points to Affect Someone Else's Reputation ...just my guess

Yep, currently on -4 rep so unable to impact on anyone else's rep as a result

So should i be always above 0(Reputation) to add reputation, or is there any proportion thing going on?

well ... having a positive reputation comes from people acknowledging you have knowledge enough to be considered a 'plus'.
having a negative reputation can come from giving incorrect answer, spoon-feeding code, ...
it's a bit logical that if the community considers you as someone who (maybe) doesn't have the knowledge, that the system regards this as a hint that you may not be qualified to judge on other peoples posts.

commented: Thanks for that +0

All your negative rep seems to come from WaltP and all for the same reason. Read his feedback and take it to heart.

That said, everyone deserves a second chance, so you're now positive again.

All your negative rep seems to come from WaltP and all for the same reason. Read his feedback and take it to heart.

That said, everyone deserves a second chance, so you're now positive again.

Thank You very much. I will keep in mind all the feed-backs. The thing is that i do give a lot of reps (Off course if there is reason). And all i was able to contribute was 0s...
Thanks again. You are a life-saver....

I guess the reputation feature must have been removed, i have recently joined, in my honest opinion the feedback buttons really help in appreciating an honest and a post that adds value to the forums.. Mods please bring it back

I guess the reputation feature must have been removed

It wasn't removed, it just looks different. On every post you'll find an up and down arrow along with a counter. The counter is the number of people who have clicked the arrows to vote on a post (positive and negative votes correspond to up and down arrows, respectively). When you choose to vote on a post, you have the option of also giving reputation and including a comment, this is where you'll find the reputation feature now.

So rather than removing a feature, Daniweb added one. :) Votes are a way of saying you like or dislike a post without being forced to give out reputation, and reputation can still be given out if you also want to leave feedback in the form of a comment.

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