Though I am not using IE8, just posting it for feedback. Menus dont work properly. I am using Firefox with adblock.
In IE it maybe due to flash ad just where menus appear. Dont know just posted it to report bug :)

You mean the submenu isn't showing up?

yes and even the color of some menus dont change on mouse over(hover) event. And is this human verification gonna stay forever?

The human verification should be gone now. It was a bug. Sorry about that.

What do you mean the color scheme doesn't change?

Ya when I hover mouse on menu in IE8 it doesnt change color sometimes. In firefox it works fine.

Oh, I think that's some type of weird IE bug. It works fine for me in IE 9 and in IE 8 compatability mode.

ya maybe. Have some suggestion. As on receiving new private message the color changes to yellow. Can you do same for watched articles on receiving new reply?
And did you ignore that suggestion to replace double click with single click?

Can you do same for watched articles on receiving new reply?

No because it would be too resource intensive to do a check on every page load, unfortunately. :(

Ya knew it. :)
And ya still you are ignoring the second line :D

Replace double click with single click? You mean for watched articles?

Ya I posted that in another thread last time. Click Here

We can't do that because clicking anywhere within the area would trigger the highlighting, including clicking on any of the links themselves. Because clicking on the link is a single click, we need something else to differentiate highlighting.

Cant we ignore clicks on children tags? In Jquery it was possible. But you peoples are using something different.
Ok let it be. and ya I dont like to double click :D
Its been nice conversation with you :)
Best regards,

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