rproffitt commented: Thank you for the reports. +0

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Not a problem for me. My problem is that everyone seems to assume we all have unlimited usage so the sites I go to regularly (weather, covid-19 updates, etc) like to load me up with "content" whether I want to see it or not. Just checking the weather chews up a substantial portion of my quota. Plus I have to set aside a daily chunk for Skpe calls to my father-in-law and regular calls to the boys.

Long story short, I won't be around much until September.

Doing a second round of IVF now, but hangin' in there.

What is your bandwidth allottment and why is it sooooo low? I never even had to ration my data plan on my cellphone.

I'm on a Rogers Rocket Hub. It connects to the local cell tower. I pay a base rate for 3 gig and extra if I go over. My usage at home can easily go into the hundreds of gigs. Good thing I have unlimited at home. It's probably a good idea to scale back for a bit during the summer months and do outside stuff. We are more isolated here than aty home so we can easily spend days outside and not see another body.

I hope the latest round of IVF proves successful. Please keep me posted.

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