RonRay 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everybody.

I just stumbled in, after being thrown out of the other forum! (Just kidding...) I doubt very seriously that I am interesting enough to get thrown out of anywhere!
Anyway, I caught a link on Google that led me here. Looks like a very helpful and knowledgeable forum.
I don't "know" enough to get deep into many of your threads, but I think can have a good time 'cruising' around reading some of the good stuff that YOU guys have going!

I'm from north Alabama (can't be more specific, because of the law after me), 60 years old, male, retired (@ 60 you better be!).
I like computers, music, quite rides in my wheelchair (just kidding), knives (making & collecting), walking sticks (making & collecting), ... and just finishing out what has been a doozy of a life!

Thanks for having me (sound like a cannibal's dinner), and let me know if there's something I can do that you can make fun of! :D
It's OK... At 60, sometimes it's the only way we can be part of anything! :P

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