FBGirl 0 Newbie Poster

Hi. Well, lets see if I can make this intro worth the read...

Business Overview:
My husband owns a Development company and I’ve worked with him for about 7 years as a Project Manager (and his glorified secretary Lol). I pride myself in not being the boss that everyone hates. After developing the contract, I provide the specs and let everyone do their jobs without looking over their shoulder while I pacify the client. I have the utmost respect for developers and designers. I also have several years experience in affiliate program support and management and I recently partnered with FreshBalls to manage theirs along side a great team of AP support techs.

Why I’m here:
1) My motto is “learn something new every day”, that’s easy to do when you surround yourself with educated people…..and there are plenty of you here!!!
2) Over the years, I have found the best way to provide quality support to webmasters is to listen to them. Forum Communities provide an excellent source for gaining a better understanding of what webmasters are looking for in regards to content, upgrades, support, etc.
3) Support/Contribution: This forum offers an extensive list of top notch developers and designers and the forums are the first place I look when I need to hire additional contractors whose skill set match the needs of one of our clients.

Pet Peeves: When clients request backward compatibility to versions as old as IE 5.1 and don’t understand why its just not possible in all cases.

Business Aside: I’m a hockey fan (Go Wings!!!), favorite fiction author is Dean Koontz, and I love country line dancing

Location: Las Vegas (7 years)….. the only city I’ve ever lived in where you can drive 45 minutes north and spend the morning snow skiing, then drive 45 minutes south and spend the afternoon at the lake. But, there’s no exaggeration when they say the summers are hotter than hell here!!!

What I find humorous:
The expressions on people’s faces when they figure out I speak geek Lol ;
Family Guy;
The blatant honesty in children’s statements

Thanks for the welcome and letting me be a part of the community!!!