I am using kadence theme on my websites one ishttps://inshotapps.com/ and second one is https://freefirebattles.com/ I build my these website on kadence theme the problem is when i open my website on desktop the view is normal but when i open it on mobile the text is spread i change the text size on mobile and check for mobile its showing perfect but when i show on desktop the size of text was also change on desktop what is the solution i am stuck.

Hi! I tried browsing to your sites with a few browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari), and the sites display correctly, which is subjective since I don't know what kind of "correctly" it is you are expecting (some screenshots might help). For me, the text is "normal" (?) and doesn't show spread out on mobile or desktop. Changing text size on either does not affect text size on the other.

In all browsers, I see this on the top-left of the https://freefirebattles.com/ landing page: crossorigin="anonymous">, which suggests that there may be a typo in your HTML. I am not sure if that is what's affecting the unexpected behavior you are observing, but thought it was worth pointing out.

In the https://inshotapps.com/ site, however, there are a bunch of console errors that you should perhaps look into. Firefox skips a lot of unsupported features, while Chrome complains a lot about resource preloading. But I'm sure that's just me blocking out ads and whatnot (confirmed by Opera), and not necessarily your code.

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