Hi guys;
I have a little situation concerning a new site that I am trying to run. I recently purchassed through ebay a "one time payment lifetime hosting plan". The name of the hosting site is buddyservers.net . After paying them with paypal, I received an email from them as follow :
Dear Mavinga,
| New Account Info |
| Domain: congotube.com
| Your cPanel URL: http://buddyservers.net
| Ip: (n)
| HasCgi: y
| UserName: George
| PassWord: Bush
| CpanelMod: x3
| HomeRoot: /home
| NameServer1: ns1.buddyservers.net
| NameServer2: ns2.buddyservers.net
| NameServer3:
| NameServer4:
| Contact Email: mavingab@hotmail.com
| Package: Ultimate Plan
| Feature List: Unlimited Lifetime Plan
| Language: english
Please note that I changed here the username and password to George and Bush. So I went to goddady.com to ponit my domaine name to the buddyservers nameservers, which I did. But when I tried to log into cpanel using the above infos so I can operate settings on my new site. the attempt login fails, again and again. I contacted the owners off buddyservers about the problem, and here is what they answerd me:
"FTP accounts are setup internally within your cPanel. Its all a third party system so all accounts you open within cPanels are opened and downloaded separately, just like you open an email account within cPanels... you must create your own password and userid.
I hope this addressed all your questions.
eBiz Cafe manager "
Since then I tried to contact them tens of time with no answer. Can anybody at Daniweb help me with this issue ( either technically or regarding my new host) ? Something like a step-by-step process to have my site set with the available infos from the host . Thanks a lot for any help.