I kept slipping past this site - finally I looked now I am stuck.

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All 5 Replies

1970 years? We are already living in it!

1970 years? We are already living in it!

Sorry, I don't get it?

Dr. Zaius is a fictional character in the SF novel "Planet of the apes" by P.Boulle, but then again I haven't carefully looked at your site before replying...

Dr. Zaius is a fictional character in the SF novel "Planet of the apes" by P.Boulle, but then again I haven't carefully looked at your site before replying...

That explains why your post makes no sense. Why reply to a post about a particular site w/o looking at the site first?

It was late, perhaps I was sleepy but I did look at the site. You cannot deny that the ape-figure Zaius appears on this site quite frequently. Lovely site btw.

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