>and I bet when I get older I would not be married
I said the same thing a few years ago... ;)

first off: get up and get away from the computer.
Second: have somthing more to talk about than the computer or the latest
MMORPG.. NEVER EVER EVER PUT A MMORPG before someone that wants your attention. If you do thier attention will go elsewhere.

then: go out.. become a regular at a coffee shoppe and talk to people.
become involved with a social group with common/similar interests.
speak with confidence. ask people how their day is going and empathize.
dont lear/stalk.. dont linger. that will spooke anyone.
dont get busted looking at the goods and ask for help often but
not the point of appearing mentally retarded..
make eye contact, and say hello and good morning. (not like a psycho either)
IF she is talking to you its a good sign, keep her attention and ask questions.
but keep it serious and dont grab at straws.

once youre a regular.. modify your dress appearance/hairstyle slightly.. you get noticed more. (be ready with a reason for the change)
DO NOT REEK OF DESPERATION ..i swear they can smell it miles away and days before.

concentrate on hygene & complexion.. shave & remove excess body hair (if you got it)
remember: "two eyes have two eybrows not one" get acne under controll if you have that issue. If you cant afford Acutane hit GNC and pick up vitamin A.. join a gym and lift more than a potato chip. *Appear* alert and responcive, clean-cut, comfortably dressed and actively engaged in some activity. If you have a weight issue dont talk about it. Just handle it the best you can. Avoid calogne and wear deodorant.

dont sell yourself short.

good luck.

and i managed to keep it clean ;)

Cain nailed it. I use to be in the same situation. Then basically I did almost exactly what he is describing and now i have the pick of the liter and most of the girls think it is cool that i am a computer nerd.

Almost to much because i find myself fixing a lot more computers now. :-|

remember: "two eyes have two eybrows not one"

OMG- that is great! There's nothing worse than the dreaded UniBrow.

(Well... except for mullet, maybe).

OMG- that is great! There's nothing worse than the dreaded UniBrow.

(Well... except for mullet, maybe).

no no, a femullet is the worst(a girl with a mullet).

Yea, you should dress up for the ladies and all that stuff cain said, but dont be superficial, just be yourself and be smoooooooth.

Ha ha. Its always nice to know folks can relate on some level to this..
(as some of you have stated already)

Bottom line is; whatever you seek: Soulmate, companionship, empathy,
friendship, a 'good time'.. these are social behaviors. Typically these are
sought and attained on a face-to-face basis with the rest of the planet.
Sought in plain view of the world and along side of everyone else doing
the same exact thing. You only have a finite time here so dont waste it.

I have had many, many a good friend that just couldnt seem to land anything
at all. As understanding as I can be, it is irritating to see them fail over and
over again. I never could seem to get my head around the fact that they all
were their own worst enemy when it came down to the wire. They had their
'ideal' in mind and were so picky failure was a guarantee. Naturally, complaints
would ensue and it was never their fault. But I tell a different tale..

There are like 6.5 BILLION people on the planet. It
isn't hard to assume that your odds are at worst: 1:6.5 billion. Granted
you can quickly eliminate half due to gender then eliminate another half
due to age etc.. that gets you down to like 1:1.6 billion or so.. excellent
odds in your favor. I dont think anyone could strike out that may times in
a lifetime.

Generally assuming, the biggest problem with finding anyone is a lack of true
grit and honesty with ones self. If you think that youre good eneough to
persue your standard then do it. If your standards turn out to be too high,
LOWER YOUR STANDARDS. Not everyone is a walking Apollo/Aphrodite
decended from the heavens. Odds are you aren't one of them and the ones
that are arent looking your way. Keep your expectations/goals realistic. Youll
accomplish greater levels of success this way. If youre afraid, get over it.
Someone else is capitalizing on your potential(s) right now

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