I am looking for like minded people, but somehow
this place seems to be configured wrong. Okay that last statement will offend the natives but that is not my intention.

Why are you here?

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How is it configured wrong?

Why am I here? ----> Why do you care?

I am here to use the Linux OS on my computer.

Was Linux really called Freax originally?

Never heard that one before. Linux is a derivative of Unix written by Linus Torvalds, hence Linux. But, yes, please do tell how the site is configured poorly.

Google for freax and you find this entry:

October 5, 1991 - Freax is hacked by Ari Lemke, the admin of the FTP site where Linus made his code available. The directory is named /pub/OS/Linux. v0.02 is then made available

I am here, because it is a good friendly community, I get to impart my lean knowledge occasionally to help someone out, and get some answers if I ever have a problem.

Actually, since I have started working on a web site, and looking into coding, this site has become much more useful. The tutorials and code snippets are really good, and I hope to do some more blogs soon, which is fun, and hopefully informative to others.

It's a large site, with a lot of members, it takes a while to find you niche, but what that will be depends on what you want from the site. Most people come here looking for answers, and then return the favour to other people, then enjoy it, so they stay.

I've only used it once, but if you want to chat, then there is the IRC Chat rooms.

What are you interested in, we'll know if we're "like-minded".


I'm here because...
..."i can get som uber1337 hax wich i kno yuo guyz hav"

...I'd like to provide a degree of help for some poor unfortunate chum who can't use his* machine as he* planned. I don't have professional knowledge, just some information and a lot of experience.

*(Grammar usage: I use "his" or "he" in this sentence, but this shouldn't be a universal rule: A female writer should use "she" or "her" in this context, screw what the book says. ;) )

I'm here because it's set to my browser home page, and everytime I try to get on the www I automatically end up back here.

I am here cos i was looking for info to fix an IO prob with a presario 700 (yuk). had heard of daniweb, I know a little and don't know a lot more. so thought sod it and signed up. been looking aboutthe site and enjoying it. the 700's still broken tho, oh well back to work!

I'm here because...
..."i can get som uber1337 hax wich i kno yuo guyz hav"

Come visit me in h4x0rville and I'll show you my 1337 uber skills.

I am here because I find the members of DaniWeb an interesting bunch of nonconforming individuals. Do I here a violin in the background?

I am tired of the many lockstep (goose step) folks trained by FOX News.

lockstep? Huh? Am I missing something. Should I be watching FOX News?

nonconforming? What are the others conforming to?

I like FOX news. It's about the only station out there that doesn't give the idiotic politically correct liberal side of the story.

Unfortunately, it gives the idiotic FOX News side of the story.

Of course, all news channels are idiotic.

But I don't get what FOX News has to do with Daniweb.

I wouldn't know :)

I'm here .......but then again I am on every board battling the fight against Malware :)

it's easier to avoid fox news altogether, just live in uk and dont subscribe to sky/cable etc. i just get 5 channels of rubbish, no fox! anyway why am i here, why do the stars shine, is tony blair george bushes secret lover, i have no idea!

I'm not exactly sure what "configured wrong" means, but I'm pretty sure it didn't involve anything regarding Fox news, and responding to flamebait associated with it.

I'm here because I still like to help. I work 10 hours a day getting paid to do this stuff, but for some dumb reason ;) I still end up here, doing it for free.

Maybe I'm here because I need a life? :p

Work on that black belt, Alex! :)

Work on that black belt, Alex! :)

Man, with work, I'm wondering when it's ever going to happen.

I pull 4 10 hour days, and I could only go to class 2 days a week. With the type of classes we have, that's just enough to hurt yourself... :(

I'm here to watch the fur fly when someone disagrees with server_ crash. :lol:

Mentioning bias, all of the news reported is biased, you just have to find the one that leans toward your own.

Actually, this is a good place to ask questions and receive help, and to be able to add the occasional bit of help.

Mentioning bias, all of the news reported is biased, you just have to find the one that leans toward your own.

Personally, I pick the ones that lean away.

Personally, I pick the ones that lean away.

What for, do you have a low blood pressure problem?

Man, with work, I'm wondering when it's ever going to happen.

I pull 4 10 hour days, and I could only go to class 2 days a week. With the type of classes we have, that's just enough to hurt yourself... :(

You do karate? Boxing with UFC rules is more fun ;)

I'm here because Dani's avatar picture with short haire looks cute. Maybe she can put a bigger version of that one on her profile page.

Loren Soth

You do karate? Boxing with UFC rules is more fun ;)

Tae Kwon Do, not Karate. There's a difference :) I'm not really picky about that, though, until someone else gets picky. Heck, even Koreans sometimes call Tae Kwon Do "Korean Karate".

I don't get too much into the UFC/NHB stuff myself, I'm just not into that high of a danger level in a competition setting. Matter of fact, I don't even really care for sparring, or tournaments. I do it because it keeps me fit and keeps my skills sharp, but I've never been in a sparring match where it's "legal" to kick someone's knee, dislocate it, then jam your finger in their eye.

That's real Tae Kwon Do. Heck, that's real any martial art. Most practitioners get caught up with what they do in class day-in, day-out, and get stuck in the mindset that a fight is just a more intense sparring match. But, there's much more at stake, and it should be treated as such.

Actually did years of both Karate and Tae-Kwon-Do myself, and also studied one on one for a few years with a Kempo Artist....

I was considering Jui Jitsu if I wasnt so old these days :)

Tae Kwon Do, not Karate. There's a difference :) I'm not really picky about that, though, until someone else gets picky. Heck, even Koreans sometimes call Tae Kwon Do "Korean Karate".

I don't get too much into the UFC/NHB stuff myself, I'm just not into that high of a danger level in a competition setting. Matter of fact, I don't even really care for sparring, or tournaments. I do it because it keeps me fit and keeps my skills sharp, but I've never been in a sparring match where it's "legal" to kick someone's knee, dislocate it, then jam your finger in their eye.

That's real Tae Kwon Do. Heck, that's real any martial art. Most practitioners get caught up with what they do in class day-in, day-out, and get stuck in the mindset that a fight is just a more intense sparring match. But, there's much more at stake, and it should be treated as such.

I only box my brothers. We don't kick or anything, and we have gloves and masks on so no one ever gets hurt. There was this one time my brother gave me a good uppercut to the chin that kept me stumbling for about 30 seconds. I prefer 'ground' fighting better, because my arms aren't long enough for the stand up style. I'm a champ at the arm bar so I always win if I can get whomever I fight to the ground, but in a standup match I normally lose.

I am here for the same reason I am in 90 or more forums. I like the place. I like the good topics and quality discussion, so I come from time to time to offer my own input on things.

Not to mention that by having a female admin, this place is more appealing to me. We have to be solidar, as women :)


Being a Wombat, I'm mostly here for the fresh green grass and yummy roots. Of course, those pesky malware infections make delicious desserts, so I try to snarfle up as many of those as I can while I'm around.

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