Hi folks,

I have an icon WELCOME2.gif downloaded on /home/satimis/html/ folder. But I can't make it to work on my simple homepage. What line shall I enter on /home/satimis/html/myhomepage.html file?

I tried something like <A HREF="file:///home/satimis/html/WELCOME2.gif">WELCOME</A>

It can't work. Only the word WELCOME displayed on the homepage. Please advise. TIA

On browser URL box;

displaying it and working.

Furthermore how to control its rotation speed and the size of this icon w/o re-edit it on graphic software.


What do you want it to do? You didn't really explain that.
To have an image in a page you do <img src='image location' alt='If it doesn't show up' /> for a favicon it's <link rel='shortcut icon' href='image location' type='image/(mimetype)' />

Is this page on the internet, or are you viewing it directly from your filesystem? If it's on the internet, then telling the page where the file is on your home computer doesn't do any good. Also, double check to make sure that the path you entered is a working path.

What do you want it to do? You didn't really explain that.
To have an image in a page you do <img src='image location' alt='If it doesn't show up' />

Thanks for your advice.

The icon works now. It is not necessary providing path to the icon which is retained on the same folder/directory with the .html file.

for a favicon it's <link rel='shortcut icon' href='image location' type='image/(mimetype)' />

This is new to me. Just googling on it a while but still NOT very clear how to make it. Can you shed me some light? TIA


Is this page on the internet, or are you viewing it directly from your filesystem? If it's on the internet, then telling the page where the file is on your home computer doesn't do any good. Also, double check to make sure that the path you entered is a working path.

Thanks for your advice.

The icon is on the same folder/directory with the .html file, no path being necessary.

I'm now testing the webpage on the filesystem. After finish I'll hoist it on my Web Server. This is my first time after >10 years building a homepage, a very simple one. I did my work on text editor with coding.

Regarding graphics, can HTML coding works on it, such as blurring, shading, etc. on characters without editing the same on graphic editing software. Although I did lot of graphic editing in the past but it is time consuming. I have GIMP running on workstation including some other graphic editing software on Open Source. Could you please shed me some light? TIA


Well HTML isn't a programming language so, no you can't use HTML to do that. PHP has a pretty powerful library (the GD library) to work with images however.

Well HTML isn't a programming language so, no you can't use HTML to do that. PHP has a pretty powerful library (the GD library) to work with images however.

Thanks for your advice.

PHP is NOT new to me but my knowledge on it is limited to building Web Server/LAMP server, NOT on graphics.

Just googling a while found follows;

Image Functions

GD Graphics Library

Smart Image Resizing while Preserving Transparency With PHP and GD Library

Image manipulation with PHP & the GD library, Part 2

Image Reflections in PHP

GD Graphics Library

I'll take time going through them. Hoping that it is NOT difficult to learn. Otherwise better for me going back to graphic editing with software. At least I have experience.

I build webpage for myself NOT as profession. I only need a simple webpage introducing techical articles, no vedio, no music, etc. However I'm interested on coding NOT with mouse clicking around on screen. I may take time to learn PHP on graphic.

Thanks again for your suggestion.


What do you want it to do? You didn't really explain that.
To have an image in a page you do <img src='image location' alt='If it doesn't show up' />

I got it done. The icon is working. Thanks

for a favicon it's <link rel='shortcut icon' href='image location' type='image/(mimetype)' />

Put the image tag between the a tags.

<a href="page.htm"><img src="pic.gif" /></a>

Put the image tag between the a tags.

<a href="page.htm"><img src="pic.gif" /></a>

Thanks for your advice.

I put following line on my single_page homepage, a file,

<img src="image.gif" height="xxx" width="yyy">

name the file "index.html" and put the file on /var/www/index.html

Then it works. The homepage can be visited on online proxy server with "https://domain.com"

What will be the difference between your suggestion;

<a href="page.htm"><img src="pic.gif" /></a>

and my line? TIA


It makes the image clickable as a link.

It places the image where the word "welcome" is in your first example.


<a href="page.htm"><img src="pic.gif" /></a>

replace page.htm with the name of the web page you want the icon to link to.

replace pic.gif with the name of your icon.

You can't change the attributes of the icon animation (speed, etc) without making a new .gif image for each set of attributes. This requires an animation editor.

Hi MidiMagic,

Thanks for your advice.

It makes the image clickable as a link.

It places the image where the word "welcome" is in your first example.


<a href="page.htm"><img src="pic.gif" /></a>

replace page.htm with the name of the web page you want the icon to link to.

replace pic.gif with the name of your icon.

If I need the icon, say "pic.gif" clickable, I need;

<a href="page.htm"><img src="pic.gif" /></a>

the icon is on the same folder/directory of the web page, say "page.htm".

If I don't need the icon clickable and it is on the same folder/dir of the current webpage, I only need;

<img src="pic.gif" />

If I'm wrong please correct me. TIA

You can't change the attributes of the icon animation (speed, etc) without making a new .gif image for each set of attributes. This requires an animation editor.

Yes, I did a lot in the past. It requires a small software decompressing the .gif image into frames first, adding/reducing frame, increasing/reducing the speed, etc.

I think the animation editor is available on Open Source. I can find it out later. But I wonder to know whether a java/php script can do the job instead of editing the .gif image?


Good. You have it right.

Good. You have it right.



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