well i have been doing quite lot a research on web stuff (still naive)
i have got various templates for my site and then finally a seminar form which i have downloaded from http://www.wufoo.com
now i want to accept the data entered from the form and store it in my database. i have no idea on how to proceed on that.
i would be glad if you guys can help me out.

well i have been doing quite lot a research on web stuff (still naive)
i have got various templates for my site and then finally a seminar form which i have downloaded from http://www.wufoo.com
now i want to accept the data entered from the form and store it in my database. i have no idea on how to proceed on that.
i would be glad if you guys can help me out.

You are going to have to establish a connection from your MySQL database to your HTML form using a scripting language. Personally i recommend PHP but you can use ASP, ASP.Net...whatever is easiest for you.

If you choose PHP you create a connection string like this:

$dbc = mysqli_connect('IP address of location of MySQL database', 'Usernam', 'Password', 'Database Name')
				or die('Error connecting to MySQL server.');

Once you have that written you need to write a query string that inserts data into the database such as this:

$query = "INSERT INTO email_list (first_name, last_name, email)  VALUES ('$first_name', '$last_name', '$email')";

Hope this helps

well i am supposed to write this in the script file of the form which i got ..? if yes then where am i supposed to write ( i guess it follows some structure or pattern of witting ) .

well i am supposed to write this in the script file of the form which i got ..? if yes then where am i supposed to write ( i guess it follows some structure or pattern of witting ) .

With PHP you can write the PHP in an HTML file by using <?php ?>

so you would have in your index.html or whatever file



This would be a lot easier if you would post your code

Another thing that you can do is just do a simple form email system.
Or just host the page.
For a form though, you can POST or GET data. POSTing data sends it through the connection, and GETting data sends it through the url.
POSTs are much better for larger amounts of data.
Forms typically use the name attribute to send data to the server with the name attribute for that element.
Take note that the database accessed by PHP is on the server, not your computer, so you'll need to view it on the server somehow. (using your PHP program or a prebuilt one like phpmyadmin)
Remember to validate and filter your input so the database (or your webserver), isn't hacked.

well here is the code

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

Seminar Form

<!-- Meta Tags -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/structure.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/form.css" type="text/css" />

<!-- JavaScript -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/wufoo.js"></script>

<body id="public">
<img id="top" src="images/top.png" alt="" />
<div id="container">

<h1 id="logo"><a>Wufoo</a></h1>

<form id="form71" name="form71" class="wufoo topLabel" autocomplete="off"
	enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="#public">

<div class="info">
	<h2>Seminar Form</h2>
	<div>Please fill in the details for registration</div>

<li id="foli0" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title0" for="Field0">
		<input id="Field0" 			name="Field0" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="8" 			tabindex="1" 			/>
		<label for="Field0">First</label>
		<input id="Field1" 			name="Field1" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="14" 			tabindex="2" 			/>
		<label for="Field1">Last</label>

<li id="foli2" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title2" for="Field2">
		<input id="Field2" 			name="Field2" 			type="text" 			class="field text medium" 			value="" 			maxlength="255" 			tabindex="3" 						/>

<li id="foli3" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title3" for="Field3">
		Home Institution
		<input id="Field3" 			name="Field3" 			type="text" 			class="field text medium" 			value="" 			maxlength="255" 			tabindex="4" 						/>

<li id="foli4" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title4" for="Field4">
		<input id="Field4" 			name="Field4" 			type="text" 			class="field text medium" 			value="" 			maxlength="255" 			tabindex="5" 			/> 

<li id="foli5" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title5" for="Field5">
		<input id="Field5" 			name="Field5" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="3" 			maxlength="3" 			tabindex="6" 			/> - 
		<label for="Field5">(###)</label>
		<input id="Field5-1" 			name="Field5-1" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="8" 			maxlength="8" 			tabindex="7" 			/> - 
		<label for="Field5-1">###</label>

<li id="foli10" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title10" for="Field10">
		Format of Presentation
	<div class="column">
	<input id="radioDefault_10" name="Field10" type="hidden" value="" />
		<input id="Field10_0" 		name="Field10" 		type="radio" 		class="field radio" 		value="Lecture" 		tabindex="9" 				 checked="checked" 						/>
	<label class="choice" for="Field10_0" 		>
		<input id="Field10_1" 		name="Field10" 		type="radio" 		class="field radio" 		value="Seminar" 		tabindex="10" 						/>
	<label class="choice" for="Field10_1" 		>
		<input id="Field10_2" 		name="Field10" 		type="radio" 		class="field radio" 		value="Colloquium" 		tabindex="11" 						/>
	<label class="choice" for="Field10_2" 		>

<li id="foli6" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title6" for="Field6">
		Date of Your Seminar
		<input id="Field6-1" 			name="Field6-1" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="2" 			maxlength="2" 			tabindex="12" 			/> /
		<label for="Field6-1">DD</label>
		<input id="Field6-2" 			name="Field6-2" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="2" 			maxlength="2" 			tabindex="13" 			/> /
		<label for="Field6-2">MM</label>
	 	<input id="Field6" 			name="Field6" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="4" 			maxlength="4" 			tabindex="14" 			/>
		<label for="Field6">YYYY</label>
	<span id="cal6">
		<img id="pick6" class="datepicker" src="images/calendar.png" alt="Pick a date." />
		<script type="text/javascript">
	inputField	 : "Field6",
	displayArea  : "cal6",
	button		 : "pick6",
	ifFormat	 : "%B %e, %Y",
	onSelect	 : selectDate

<li id="foli7" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title7" for="Field7">
		Arrival Date
		<input id="Field7-1" 			name="Field7-1" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="2" 			maxlength="2" 			tabindex="15" 			/> /
		<label for="Field7-1">DD</label>
		<input id="Field7-2" 			name="Field7-2" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="2" 			maxlength="2" 			tabindex="16" 			/> /
		<label for="Field7-2">MM</label>
	 	<input id="Field7" 			name="Field7" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="4" 			maxlength="4" 			tabindex="17" 			/>
		<label for="Field7">YYYY</label>
	<span id="cal7">
		<img id="pick7" class="datepicker" src="images/calendar.png" alt="Pick a date." />
		<script type="text/javascript">
	inputField	 : "Field7",
	displayArea  : "cal7",
	button		 : "pick7",
	ifFormat	 : "%B %e, %Y",
	onSelect	 : selectDate

<li id="foli8" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title8" for="Field8">
		Departure Date
		<input id="Field8-1" 			name="Field8-1" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="2" 			maxlength="2" 			tabindex="18" 			/> /
		<label for="Field8-1">DD</label>
		<input id="Field8-2" 			name="Field8-2" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="2" 			maxlength="2" 			tabindex="19" 			/> /
		<label for="Field8-2">MM</label>
	 	<input id="Field8" 			name="Field8" 			type="text" 			class="field text" 			value="" 			size="4" 			maxlength="4" 			tabindex="20" 			/>
		<label for="Field8">YYYY</label>
	<span id="cal8">
		<img id="pick8" class="datepicker" src="images/calendar.png" alt="Pick a date." />
		<script type="text/javascript">
	inputField	 : "Field8",
	displayArea  : "cal8",
	button		 : "pick8",
	ifFormat	 : "%B %e, %Y",
	onSelect	 : selectDate

<li id="foli9" 		class="   ">
	<label class="desc" id="title9" for="Field9">
		Enter the Demand Draft (DD) No.
		<input id="Field9" 			name="Field9" 			type="text" 			class="field text medium" 			value="" 			maxlength="255" 			tabindex="21" 						/>

	<li class="buttons">
				<input id="saveForm" class="btTxt" type="submit" value="Submit" />

	<li style="display:none">
		<label for="comment">Do Not Fill This Out</label>
		<textarea name="comment" id="comment" rows="1" cols="1"></textarea>

<img id="bottom" src="images/bottom.png" alt="" />

well the code is not written by me , as i have said it before i have taken it from the website wufoo.com so it also contains css and other image stuffs.(i guess that doesnt matter )

>-codejoust :
well the website i have to develop , will have to cater both displaying the database (for members for which i have created a login page ) and
accept the data to store it in mysql .

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