Hi, I have a layout .dwt with their respective editable region in the main area (body). How I should organize the text? Using div layers or you should not abuse of div layers? Any other approach?


Divs are not layers.

They are general purpose block elements - ie, they are rectangular and stack vertically on the page [ in the y (height) dimension not z (depth) ].

Netscape implemented an HTML <layer> element but it is now well and truely obsolete.

Like other HTML elements divs can be given layering behaviour using CSS, allowing them to be overlayed, but the default behaviour is strictly 2-dimensional.

Divs may or may not be appropriate to what you are trying to do. Try posting some code.


Style the divs in a style sheet.


I attached the template I would like to use. Let's say I create the file index.html and I want to modify the editable region right_column.

I just type whatever I want in that editable region or I should use any div or css?


I think that's either a Dreamweaver or FronPage template - I can't tell which. So you need to be working in either Dreamweaver or FronPage to use it, in which case it will look after you (badly) with regard to use of divs and other formatting.

Personally I don't like being in a straightjacket and since you are talking about divs and css I guess you don't want to be constrained either.

You could still use the template and edit it manually but first get rid of all the things that look like <!-- HTML comments -->, which are instructions for DW/FP to do their thing (badly).

Sorry I can't help more but as you can probably guess I'm not a big fan of these tools.

Anyways, I hope this sheds some light.



I think that's either a Dreamweaver or FronPage template - I can't tell which. So you need to be working in either Dreamweaver or FronPage to use it, in which case it will look after you (badly) with regard to use of divs and other formatting.

Personally I don't like being in a straightjacket and since you are talking about divs and css I guess you don't want to be constrained either.

You could still use the template and edit it manually but first get rid of all the things that look like <!-- HTML comments -->, which are instructions for DW/FP to do their thing (badly).

Sorry I can't help more but as you can probably guess I'm not a big fan of these tools.

Anyways, I hope this sheds some light.


Thanks for your suggestions.

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