I'm having a bit of trouble with my site's gallery display in Internet Explorer. As you'll see, everything on the site everywhere else is identical to its Firefox and Chrome counterparts, but on Internet Explorer, the gallery decides to go crazy.

An example of the same image can be seen here (open in both Firefox and Internet Explorer): http://gematsu.com

An example of the messed up gallery only displayed in Internet Explorer can be seen here (open with Firefox, too, to see what it looks like): http://gematsu.com/gallery/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/june-16-2011/The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim_2011_06-16-11_002.jpg.php

What am I doing wrong in coding that causes internet explorer to act up this way?

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This looks like it could be a script problem rather than a css problem, there may be an extra </div> or a missing one, that is what usually causes this sort of layout problem in IE, Firefox seems to ignore it for some reason. I removed the following javascript and the layout worked fine, I don't know javascript well enough to know if there's a problem with it but it might be worth investigating:

<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
ui_offset_top: 16
services_compact: 'n4g,twitter,facebook,reddit,gamekicker,digg,stumbleupon,email,print'

This looks like it could be a script problem rather than a css problem, there may be an extra </div> or a missing one, that is what usually causes this sort of layout problem in IE, Firefox seems to ignore it for some reason. I removed the following javascript and the layout worked fine, I don't know javascript well enough to know if there's a problem with it but it might be worth investigating:

<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
ui_offset_top: 16
services_compact: 'n4g,twitter,facebook,reddit,gamekicker,digg,stumbleupon,email,print'

I don't believe that is the problem -- it only shows up on article pages and is nowhere to be found on the gallery pages.

Hi, there is definitely an error showing on that page, this is what I'm getting:

missing } after property list

As I said when I removed that bit of javascript it worked but as javascript is not my thing I better not get involved, I may only make things worse!!
Good luck

Hi, there is definitely an error showing on that page, this is what I'm getting:

missing } after property list

As I said when I removed that bit of javascript it worked but as javascript is not my thing I better not get involved, I may only make things worse!!
Good luck

Can you link me to the exact page you're seeing this error?

<title>June 16, 2011 &raquo; The-Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim_2011_06-16-11_002 &mdash; Gematsu Gallery</title>

Check your view source. The title tag is outside of the HTML. You've wrong close tag of '</script>' at line 59 which is not opened.
Validate your markup here. Copy the source codes from the browser 'View Source' and paste into 'Validate by Direct Input'.
Here is CSS validator.

Check your view source. The title tag is outside of the HTML. You've wrong close tag of '</script>' at line 59 which is not opened.
Validate your markup here. Copy the source codes from the browser 'View Source' and paste into 'Validate by Direct Input'.
Here is CSS validator.

Turns out it was that <title> tag you mentioned. Removed it and everything works fine.

When I go on the internet it crashes none stop with explorer 9. I just wanted to know if it’s just my computer or is it explorer?

its your windows

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