Does anyone know how to make a left to right image sliders.... You know... those that slide left to right...!

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I have officialy been dumbfounded...

Wow, I clicked on the google search link above and this thread came out first on the list of the results. I'm in an endless loop here...

Sorry mSedique ...

What do you mean image slider?? Also, are you familiar with jQuery and/or would you be willing to include the jQuery javascript library?

hehe, i actually figured it out, I'll paste my slider's code:

$(window).load(function() {
var slideContainer = $('#slider_container'), slidesHolder = $(slideContainer).children(), slideWidth = slideContainer.width(), slidePos = 0, slides = $(slidesHolder).children(), slideTotal = slides.length, currentSlide = 0, delay = 3000, slideTime = 700;
    'position': 'relative'
    'position': 'absolute'
  for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
      'position': 'absolute',
      'top': '0',
      'left': slidePos + 'px'
    slidePos = slidePos + slideWidth;
  $(slidesHolder).css('width', slidePos + slideWidth);
    'left': slidePos  + 'px'
  function animate() {
      left: '-=' + slideWidth
    }, slideTime, function() {
      if (currentSlide < slideTotal - 1) {
      } else {
          'left': 0
        currentSlide = 0;

Thanks you guys for trying to help me out!

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