Hi i made fix footer bar....its working fine..
but problem is my form is hiding behind this bar..
i want to show my form above footer bar like you can see in daniweb when you scroll down so homw, about us and contact us will be above...
i want to do this...
how to do it?

my css is

    border:1px solid #666;



Try adding z-index to make the element come to the front

    border:1px solid #666;
    z-index: 1000;

i did but when i scroll down so my back is hiding...
back form must be start above the bar...

try changing the position footer as related to u r form it makes the difference

@Farhad.idrees- Can you clarify what you are trying to do? It is not clear to me based on your description so far.

Do you want to have a footer remain at the bottom of the display regardless of the content and have this footer remain in place without moving even as you scroll down? Here is some help for that with a demo:
How to Keep a Footer Fixed Even While Scrolling

Or do you want to "push" your footer to the bottom of the content and when there is not enough content to fill the screen, push it to the bottom of the viewport? Here is some help for that with a demo:
Pushing a Footer to the Bottom of a Web Page

If neither of these solutions meets your needs, please provide additional details.

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