Hi, I'm new here and really need help.
I have been having alot of trouble with my computer latly so I went and ran Trend Micro Housecall and it found 20 virus'... all was going well untill it got to Step 4 - recover.
My computer disconnected during this process and I don't no how to tell what might be wrong or anything...
I'm afraid to shut down my computer or anything for fear that it may not work..
Can someone please help by letting me know what I can do to see if anything that I need is missing or what


I forgot to tell you that I have an Emachine and am using Windows 98,
if you need any other info please let me know

I'm afraid there's really no way for us to know exactly what Trend was doing at the time of the disconnect, and/or what the possible results of it not completing its tasks might be. However, my guess is that any effects you might experience won't be serious.

Everything seems to be okay as okay can be...
I have shut down and restarted without any ill effects that I can see.
Thanks for the reply.

One thing that might have happened is that Trend may not have fully finished "cleaning up"; you might want to run another scan to see if there were any loose ends left over from the disconnect.

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