I've got a Knoppix cd that I have used to boot a screwed Windows system - I can see all of my files BUT can't copy them to a new drive because Knoppix tells me I don't have permission to do so, can see all drives attached - How can I make the GUI of Knoppix believe I am the root user with permission to drag and drop my files? My computer is still on, booted from the Knoppix cd. scared to turn it off since this is the first time I can see my files are not gone - please help - thanks - email <snip>

this link won't help with the GUI, but you should be able to see all the files through terminal: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Root

I remember I used to login as root on ubuntu, I think if you set the pwd you can then just logout/login (as root). But not sure if this is possible through live cd.

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