AndreiDMS 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hello all,

I've been searching for a couple of days for this but with no luck, I'm not even sure that my searches are correct, so:

On a http server (apache, OS Centos),
I have a lot of folders located on this path:
named: R001, E001, utils, ...
each folder has it's own index.html file

- document root location in httpd.config is set to:
/var/www/html/website/ - here are located the index.php and all the website files

What I need is, to be able to access directories from /var/www/folders/ using short URL requests, like: or

I've tried with symbolic links and aliases in httpd.config but I can get to the folders only using and this is not what I need.
I've also searched for .htaccess rules that could help but again, no success.

Thanks in advance!
Anny suggestion is appreciated :)