i need help with this:
Write a Java program that allows the teacher to calculate the grade for a student.

1.prompt the user to enter the Student ID number, first name, last name, and the average score for each of the following categories.

o Assignments (worth 50%)
o Quizzes (worth 20%)
o Midterm Exam (worth 10%)
o Final Exam (worth 20%)
2. Calculate the weighted average score for each category and the total score for the student.
3. Next assign a letter grade as follows:
o 90 - 100 = A
o 80 - 89 = B
o 70 - 79 = C
o 60 - 69 = D
o 59 and below = E
4. Print the results in the following format:
Name: [Last Name], [First Name]
Student ID: [Student ID]
Assignments: [weighted average]
Quizzes: [weighted average]
Midterm Exam: [weighted average]
Final Exam: [weighted average]
Total: [total score]
Final Grade: [letter grade]

  1. Prompt the user to either enter another student or to quit. Continue the process until the user chooses to quit.

Write a Java program that allows the teacher to calculate the grade for a student.

A Student should write this assignment for the purpose of practicing .

How can we help you , if you don't show your efforts.
Here you have to come with the some efforts to solve the problem and then point out the part where you are getting error(s) ,Then it will more easier for us to help. Otherwise nobody will do your homework.

So, don't forget to come with the code next time.

Happy coding.

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