this is the questions i faced in an interview
i am new in .net and sql so anyone knows this ans please inform me


*Can we have an updateable view in SQL?
*What is the difference between stroed procedure and stored function in SQL?
*What is connection pooling? how can we acheive that in

*What is the difference between typed and untyped dataset?
*What is the difference bewteen accessing the data throgh the dataset and datareader?

*What is the difference between typed and untyped dataset?
- typed dataset is a dataset which you determine the types that are used in the columns of the datatables forming the dataset. if you create the dataset using visual's dataset designer, it creates a file with .xsd(xml schema definitions) extension. if you take a look at this file, you will see type definitions for the datatables in the dataset. this feature provides type safety for your data operations, and enables compile time error checking. if you have a typed dataset you can not set, for instance, a string value to int typed column. and the intellisense become active since it knows the column names and types of your table.
*What is the difference bewteen accessing the data throgh the dataset and datareader?
datareader provides read only and forward only data. if you only read data from the database and show it to users you can use datareader, it is more fast and performance saving. using dataset you can also make insert, update, delete operations and you can scroll through the rows backwards and forwards

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