I know this is MySQl forum, but maybe some one help me through the below issue:

I don't know which file I should download to install postgreSQL, could nayone please guide me which I should download ???


I am using Windows OS.

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Hi tanha,

as far as I know there are only binaries for win32. You can download them there:

If you want to compile your own Postrgresql, you need to do this on Linux, for example Debian or openSuse.

btw, Postgresql covers all kind of user definded functions. The sort you are probably loooking for are there "query language functions".


Thanks for the info and replying,
Actually I dont know more about binary files, and the link you posted, there are many files, and which ones I should download, and how can I use it? sorry for asking again.


1. unzip complete file in folder
2. carefully read readme.txt
(there are further links you should consider, especially faq. You should fully understand, how to deal with installing features BEFORE trying to install PostgreSQL)
3. run msi installer file

Postresql is a complete object-rational database system, what is also some kind of Oracle clone due to its own PL/SQL. MySql is not able to hold a candle to power PostgreSQL, entirely. Actually, it isn't that difficult to set up postgresql on win32. However, it is said that postgresql would run rather slower on win32 than an linux. I myself prefer linux.


Thanks very much, yes I did what you mentioned, and finally I could do that...

Then about Linux, I am using Ubuntu "7.10" then which commands are used to install the postgreSQL completely?

Thanks in Advanced,

I found the command of installing postgreSQL in Ubuntu 7.10 as follow:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib

and if someone needs the GUI tools, then type the below command:

sudo apt-get install pgadmin3


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