I need to merge 2 notes fields in a sql database This select script gets me what I need how do I merge notes into Technote, I have a function to filter out the characters in the phone number that's what the stripped is

Select db1.dbo.customer.cust_no, db1.dbo.customer.Phone_home, db1.dbo.customer.technote,db2.dbo.customers.notes from db2.dbo.customers
inner join db1.dbo.customer on  dbo.fnPhonePart('stripped', db2.dbo.customers.bhtel) = db1.dbo.customer.phone_home

you can just use a '+' (plus sign) if they are two string fields

i added a space in between the fields as well

select db1.dbo.customer.technote + ' ' + db2.dbo.customers.notes as FULL_NOTE
--put the rest in here
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