Imagine functions (as in coding): there is a function call, to each function there are parameters and whereas the names and the amount of parameters is specific to a function, the value of that parameters is specific to the function call.

For example:
Add (Number1,Number2)
ADD = function
Number1 & Number2 = parameters specific to the function

Add (5,3) = function call
where the numbers 5 and 3 are parameters specific to the function call


What I would like is a datamodel that can do this: if I add a new function, it should present me with the parameters specific for that function, but the values for those parameters should be different for each 'function call'. I'm really struggeling with this one and I'm in need of some help.

... is this even possible?

Hi again,

no, this is not a true brain-teaser, actually it's quite easy to give a correct data model. If you were plain followed my suggestions, you would have already solved it.

-- tesu

Hi again,

no, this is not a true brain-teaser, actually it's quite easy to give a correct data model. If you were plain followed my suggestions, you would have already solved it.

-- tesu

Correct me if I'm wrong:

For example:
task = "requestion vacation"

Steps involved:
1) filling in a form
1.1) parameter 1 = points to the correct form for this step/task
2) having this request approved or denied
2.1) parameter 1 = approved or denied
2.2) parameter 2 = Message... reason of approval or denial

If you take the model you suggested earlier:
A person can launch a certain task (table TaskOrder) and a task consists of certain steps.

The problem I can't get my head around is the 'parameters' for each step (what you called 'value' in the workflowDescription table of your diagram):

When a person launces the task "Holliday Request" for example, for the first step (filling in the form) this datamodel should attach one parameter with the name 'form', which in the above model works... but there is a 'however':

In the model you sugegsted: if person A requests a holliday and person B requests a holiday as well: let's say I check "approved" for person A, then suddenly the holiday of person B is approved as well. Are they not?
I'd like to recycle tasks, steps and the parameter names for a specific step, but not the stepvalues: those should be bound to a specific taskorder... however I have no clue how to do that in a way so that I can recycle tasks, steps and parameternames of those steps.

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