Hey Friends!

I have some tables by which i have to select the data to display in search result.

Table Details

user_type Table

int id
string user_type

ticket Table

int id 11 not_null primary_key auto_increment
int user_id 11 not_null multiple_key
int type_id 11 not_null multiple_key
string ticket_type 100
string ticket_priority 20 not_null
blob ticket_subject 65535 not_null blob
blob ticket_desc 65535 not_null blob
datetime ticket_date 19 not_null binary
int ticket_status 2

ticket_history table

int id 11 not_null primary_key auto_increment
int user_id 11 not_null multiple_key
int type_id 11 not_null multiple_key
int ticket_id 11 not_null multiple_key
blob ticket_note 65535 blob
datetime date_modified 19 not_null binary
int ticket_status 2

and User Table

int id 11 not_null primary_key auto_increment
string full_name 200 not_null
string email 200 not_null
string password 45 not_null
datetime registration_date 19 not_null binary
int refered_user_id 11 not_null
string location 255
string address 255
string postal_code 15
string company_name 255
string company_location 255
string company_address 255
string company_logo 255
int ban 2
string country 255
string state 100

I want to Select and display the information

from ticket table{id,postdate,status,priority}
user table {full_name}
from history Table{date(the last entry for that ticket_id), status(for that Last entry for that id)}
from user_type Table{user_type}
Status {from ticket_history Table}

is there anyone who can tell me how to perform this join

and get the result

Thanks is advanced...!

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All 3 Replies


I can see a couple of ways to do this but some questions first.

Does a ticket always have an entry in the ticket_history table?

In your description of the output you reference the status three times. Twice from ticket_history and once from ticket. Is that required?

Is this just for one ticket id at a time or will it be a report of all tickets?

No When the Ticket was processed it will enter into the database with the user info and date of processing of that user who process on that Ticket

its just due to mistakes i can update the status of ticket in the ticket table and get the status from this table every time even a ticket get modified or processed.

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