1.Create a table with the following details
Table Name - dictionaries_<XXXXX>
dictionary_id NUMBER NOT NULL, -- Primary Key
dictionary_name CHAR(50) NULL,
dictionary_owner CHAR(50) NULL,
dictionary_owner_id CHAR(50) NULL,
src_intfc_inst NUMBER NULL,
dictionary_type CHAR(2) NULL,
update_date DATE NULL

2. Write a function that returns the number of different dictionary types used by a given owner.

3. Write a function to get the src_intfc_inst which is updated in the last 8 months. And return true if the src_intfc_inst 5 was updated. Otherwise return false.

debasisdas commented: no home work please -1

No one is going to do your homework, so either ask some specific questions and show some effort or stop cluttering up the forum with your assignments.

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