Dear All,
I have run this query SELECT (3958*3.1415926*SQRT((2.20569-3.13900)*(2.20569-3.13900)+COS(2.20569/57.29578)*COS(3.13900/57.29578)*(102.25616-101.68686)*(102.25616-101.68686))/180); and it gives a value of 75.49810.... The problem is that the first city (2.20569,102.25616) and second city (3.13900,101.68686) is hundred plus kilometers far apart. Can any one verify what is wrong here?

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All 3 Replies

what is the formula that you want to implement ?

75.49810 miles = 121.502 km

Use 6367 in your formula instead of 3958.

Dear Ezzaral,
I think your suggestion makes sense. I will do some more test and then evaluate it. Thank you every one.

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