There are two table from which i want to get value
1. heads
2. subheads

The field names in heads table is:

id, head_name

the field name in subheads table is:

i want to get value from these two table when the value mean id is '1'

i wrote the query something like this

SELECT `heads.head_name`,`subheads.subhead_name` FROM `heads`,`subheads` WHERE `` = '1' AND `subheads` = '1'

but its not working please help me guys

What you want is a JOIN

SELECT `heads.head_name`,
FROM `heads` 
OUTER JOIN `subheads` ON `heads`.id = `subheads`.id 
where `` = '1'

this selects records from heads where `` = '1'and joins them to subheads records where `heads`.id = `subheads`.id
Is that what you were trying to do?

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