kurohige -2 Newbie Poster
980     Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("0 - Supplier List")
990     RptLoc = 0
1000    If rs.EOF = False Then ProcessCount = ProcessCount + 1
1010    Do While rs.EOF = False
1020        XL.Sheets("Supplier").Copy Before:=XL.Sheets("Supplier")
1030        XL.Sheets(2 + RptLoc).Name = rs!Supplier
1040        RptLoc = RptLoc + 1
1050    rs.MoveNext
1060    Loop
1070    XL.DisplayAlerts = False
1080    XL.Sheets("Supplier").Delete
1090    XL.DisplayAlerts = True
1100    rs.Close

when i get to the this lines i get error 1004.. any idea how to fix it.. thanks ^^

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