I have a problem at login to the site:

Constantly message appears:

Deprecated: Function mysql_db_query() is deprecated in /home/vebsajt/public_html/hosting/config/functions.php on line 53

Deprecated: mysql_db_query() [function.mysql-db-query]: This function is deprecated; use mysql_query() instead in /home/vebsajt/public_html/hosting/config/functions.php on line 53

the file in line 53 functions is:

$check_login = mysql_db_query($db, "SELECT * FROM table_logins where session='$my_session' and type='client'", $connection);

Where might be a mistake?

Thank you very much!

The mistake is quite clear. That function is deprecated (out of date, no longer supported) and you should use mysql_query() as the message states.

The mistake is quite clear. That function is deprecated (out of date, no longer supported) and you should use mysql_query() as the message states.

Yes, I did so:

Instead mysql_db_query () I put mysql_query () but now reported another error:

Warning: mysql_query () expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in / home /...

We also do not see any more fields to login.

If you have a look at the documentation you'll see that your first parameter ($db) should be removed.

If you have a look at the documentation you'll see that your first parameter ($db) should be removed.

Throughout the functions.php file, the more lines of code is

$ check_login = mysql_db_query ($ db, "SELECT * FROM table_logins where session = '$ my_session' and type = 'client'", $ connection);

When you change the mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM table_logins where
session = '$ my_session' and type = 'client' ", $ connection);

Coming now to more problems because they lose the login fields and visit the site to see logout, when you do leads to a new error:

Deprecated: Function mysql_db_query () is deprecated in / home / website / public_html / hosting / client / login.php on line 15

When you change the login.php file and data connection (instead of mysql_db_query>> mysql_query) then the login page error appears:



Thus, only changes mysql_query () seems to be the happiest solution, although only temporarily solves the error alert but not an error.


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