khushhappy 0 Light Poster

Dear experts,
I am having a problem with my query as i am working in php myadmin sql .
Problem:- Actually i want to show the record of fill and unfilled i.e NULL values in the table but only the record with the id is shown leaving the NULL fields.
my query which i am having is through dreamweaver cs4 ,get method for the concern id and show the record of it..

SELECT date_format(currenttime, '%d-%m-%Y') as currenttime, complaint.currtime2, complaint.donetime, complaint.status, complaint.`description`, 

complaintitems.cmp_items, priority.prioirity,,signup.username FROM complaint, complaintitems, priority, signup WHERE 

complaint.user_fk_id ='$detid' AND complaint.id_cmp_items AND complaint.id_prip_fk AND = complaint.uf_id_done

solution which is want:-
I want to show the field uf_id_done record (which i have made a linkage with signup table )Including NULL values. If there's a need for a join, kindly write the code for it.

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