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I have a column called pEditDate in the table rc_Pages I need to extract the date for each page so when the users goes to page /example the last edit date shows at the bottom. I try to do is but can't. Using SQL Server Comptact and C#

What have you tried, and what is your table structure ?

Member Avatar for CriticalError
var SQLSELECT = "SELECT pEditDate FROM rc_Pages";
var db = Database.Open("razorc");
var data = db.QuerySingle(SQLSELECT, false);

<span style="color: #f00">Last Edit Date: <b>@data.pEditDate</b></span>

This works but it is the same date for every page, someone said I need a WHERE clause so I can get the page id or something but I dont know this, is webpages. And I do not know what you mean by Table Structure

Yes, if you want the date for the page, you will need to specify the id for that page. So, I hope you have it somewhere available in a variable. If you do, then you can add the WHERE clause to your SQLSELECT string, so it gets the date for that particular page.

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Each page does have an id in the column pId however I simply do not know how to say for this page get its date time. I can't figure it out. Look at my website

For my subdomain website I managed to get the date for each page easily since each page is based of tha wiki?id=ID

  var pId = Request["pId"];
        var db = Database.Open("RazorC");
        var SQLSELECT = "SELECT pEditDate FROM rc_Pages WHERE pId=@0";
        var data = db.Query(SQLSELECT, pId);

        var pEditDate = data.pEditDate;

I got that so far and it says:

CS1061: 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<dynamic>' does not contain a definition for 'pEditDate' and no extension method 'pEditDate' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<dynamic>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Try the old-fashioned way:

var SQLSELECT = "SELECT pEditDate FROM rc_Pages WHERE pId=" + pId;
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Solved it using this code:

 var pageName = Context.GetRouteValue("rcPageName");
    var db = Database.Open("razorC");
    var selectQueryString = "SELECT pId, pName, pEditDate "
                            + "FROM rc_Pages "
                            + "WHERE pName = @0  AND pSiteMap = 'True'";

    var data = db.QuerySingle(selectQueryString, pageName);
    if (data == null) { Response.Redirect("~/rcError"); }

    string format = " dd MMMM yyyy - hh:mm:ss tt ";

    var editdate =  data.pEditdate.ToString(format);

Thanks for your help though.

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