Hello everyone

Now my problem is how to make oracle take json string in oracle procedure , so i know that only oracle 12c specifically version 102 supports json data , so i want to know how to get a json string from web application rather than using XML data , without the need to create table like this :

SQL> CREATE TABLE product_catalog
  2    (ident number generated always as identity,
  3     json_document CLOB
  4     CONSTRAINT validate_json CHECK (json_document IS JSON));

the flow will be like this
json string in web -->json string as CLOB parameter in oracle procedure's header -->deal with json data inside the procedure
could it be like this:


how to convert JSON_DATA to json here , and then deal with it inside the procedure.

thank you so much :D

also i want to know how to access the json data and save it in table normally
and do insert and update on it ....sorry i forgot to add this to the thread

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