blue25 0 Newbie Poster

ok, im not too sure how to explain this, but ill try...

i have a website that a friend hosts for me on his server. it is an oscommerce website that seems to run fine.

i felt that working from the webserver was a little slow for all the images etc. i was editing.

i downloaded xampplite as recommended by my brother, and installing it wasn't much of a problem. the control panel says that apache and mysql are running fine.

i downloaded the whole of the 'htdocs' from the website and placed it in my xampplite directory.

now im getting all sorts of problems with locating the database for mysql.

now, i know some of you will laugh, but i really dont know what im looking for. in other words in the configue.php in the /define DB_DATABASE="******" line, what exactly is this line referring too? is this the name of a text file? a php file? im totally lost.

i did take a quick sneaky peak at the other posts before i posted this, and i couldn't see any relating to my exact problem, but if i have repeated myself, i apologise, but if someone could help it would be awesome!!

thanks in advance
