[functional module] WDR

[Operation steps & amp; problem phenomenon]

1、gs_guc reload -N all -I all -c "enable_wdr_snapshot=on"

2、select create_wdr_snapshot();

3、select * from snapshot.snapshot;

[Screenshot information]

openGauss=# select name,setting from pg_settings where name like '%wdr%'; name | setting -----------------------------+--------- enable_wdr_snapshot | on wdr_snapshot_interval | 60 wdr_snapshot_query_timeout | 100 wdr_snapshot_retention_days | 8 (4 rows)

openGauss=# select create_wdr_snapshot(); create_wdr_snapshot ----------------------------------------- WDR snapshot request has been submitted (1 row)

openGauss=# select * from snapshot.snapshot; snapshot_id | start_ts | end_ts -------------+----------+-------- (0 rows)

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