Hey all,
I'm really struggling with the first part of my database design assignment for uni and I don't know why as I am repeating the year and did well in the subject last year and also did it at college. But enough of the background, let me explain my difficulty.
I have a discourse with which I have to create an entity-attribute data model. I have several many to many relationships but can't for the life of me think of new tables to split them up.
Here is the discourse I am struggling with;

Artists create works of art. The work will have a date and maybe an owner. The artist and work of art may be part of an art movement or genre e.g. cubist, expressionist. The artist and works may belong to more than one movement as an artist can produce different kinds of work, and a work can show elements from different movements. The piece of work is of a type e.g.drawing, oil painting, water colour, sketch. A work of art may be the creation of more than one artist.

I currently have the following table;

Artists (1..*) create Works_of_art (1..*)

and the other bit giving me a problem is;

Artists (1..*) belong_to Movement (1..*) with the works of Art and Movement table being the same.

Can anyone tell me what they do when creating new tables when breaking up a many to many relationship or any other helpful advice you may have would be great as well.

Hope someone can help

Hey all,
I'm really struggling with the first part of my database design assignment for uni and I don't know why as I am repeating the year and did well in the subject last year and also did it at college. But enough of the background, let me explain my difficulty.
I have a discourse with which I have to create an entity-attribute data model. I have several many to many relationships but can't for the life of me think of new tables to split them up.
Here is the discourse I am struggling with;

I currently have the following table;

Artists (1..*) create Works_of_art (1..*)

and the other bit giving me a problem is;

Artists (1..*) belong_to Movement (1..*) with the works of Art and Movement table being the same.

Can anyone tell me what they do when creating new tables when breaking up a many to many relationship or any other helpful advice you may have would be great as well.

Hope someone can help

I think it would bve something like this
DB Schema image attached!!

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