
I just built mysql from source on Solaris. It's
installed in my own space since I have no root
access on that solaris server.

The problem is I always get following error when
trying to run mysql.

sand:163% ./mysql
ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server
through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Of course, there is no such file '/tmp/mysql.sock' and
seems I need to modify the configure file '/etc/my.conf'
which also does not exist at all since I do not have write
access to /tmp and /etc.

I can run the ./bin/mysql_conf, but don't know how to use
that program.

Any help? Thanks in advance!

Heres 1, Start your MySQLDatabase or PHP program and then boom, there ya go. 1 word of advise, if your newto this, then first try, PHPTriad. Sourceforge.org or whatever and download it.

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