I have a problem. I have questions, to a question there can be arbitrary groups and to every group there can be arbitrary conditions. To have permission to “see” an question you have to have at least one condition from every group which is in the question.

I have three tables: Question, QuestionGroup and GroupCondition.

QuestionId | Bla | Bla
15 | as | asd
16 | ef | asdas

fkey_GroupID | fkey_QuestionID
1 | 15
2 | 15
3 | 16

Pkey_GroupId | fkey_ConditionId
1 | 101
1 | 102
2 | 103
3 | 101
3 | 102
3 | 103

So I need a select which returns all QuestionId from Question depending on the conditions I have. So to get QuestionId (15) I need following: (101 or 102) and (103), to get acess to QuestionId 16 I need (101 or 102 or 103). I hope I have been clear enough.. :)

I do not know if it is sql server 2000 or 2005 its goint to be on.

Best regards


You simply need to join the tables to get the desired output. Try from your side and post the query that you have tried to get further clarification on the topic .

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