bearsomg 0 Newbie Poster

Hello, I am currently building a rendering engine in native C++ using Direct3D 10 and the Win32 API. The engine will have 2 separate windows, one being the rendering window and the other being a control window which is used to load models, animaitons, etc. It is also used to send the rendering window to other displays on the system.

Right now the program will use EnumMonitorDisplays to get all active displays on the system, then give the user the option to send the rendering window to any of the active monitors. It is currently able to show the monitors, and when one is clicked it will move the window over to the selected monitor and maximize it. However, Direct3D 10 does not rescale by itself, so the image appears stretched.

My question is; what is the correct way to resize the Direct3D device without having to recreate all my buffers, resources, textures, effects, etc?

Thank you!