Hi !
I'm devloping a Personal Trainer app on android and I need to remember training results in a history. I decided to remeber this results in a XML file.

WHAT I HAVE: is an User class with results

class User{

String name;
int result1;
int result2;

User(String name, int result1, int result2)
        this.name = name;
        this.reuslt1 = result1;
        this.result1 = result2;

WAHAT I NEED: is an XMLEndoer.
Eariler a used this code but it doesnt supports andoid:

XMLEncoder e = new XMLEncoder(
                new BufferedOutputStream(
                    new FileOutputStream("Test.xml")));
            e.writeObject(new User("Tom",10,15));

Please, if you know any classes what i can use to make such an xml file please share. Very helpfull would be also an example how to use it.

Thanks for any help.

Jackson library is capable of it, see this blog entry

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