lse123 0 Junior Poster in Training

android eclipse environment...
values-ru/string.xml appear error, that can NOT fix...well?

[2012-09-07 19:10:54 - mobi.androidprogramming.apps.SplashActivity] 'default' is not a best match for any device/locale combination.
[2012-09-07 19:10:54 - mobi.androidprogramming.apps.SplashActivity] Displaying it with 'Locale Language ___Region __, sw320dp, w320dp, h533dp, Normal Screen, Long screen aspect ratio, Portrait Orientation, High Density, Finger-based touchscreen, Soft keyboard, No keyboard, Exposed navigation, Trackball navigation, Screen resolution 800x480, API Level 10' which is compatible, but will actually be displayed with another more specific version of the layout.
[2012-09-07 19:11:49 - mobi.androidprogramming.apps.SplashActivity] C:\Users\User\Documents\workspace-eclipse-READY-APPS-3\mobi.androidprogramming.apps.SplashActivity\res\values-ru\strings.xml:4: error: Found text "
[2012-09-07 19:11:49 - mobi.androidprogramming.apps.SplashActivity] Â Â Â Â " where item tag is expected
