Hello all. I'm creating a basketball program. There are two teams of five players each. Each player has a randomly generated offensive and defensive stat. The program randomly picks two players to match up. If the offensive stat of the offensive player is greater than the defensive stat of the defensive player, the offensive player gets to shoot the ball. My problem is that I can't get my program to give me a result other than "Offense does not get to shoot" I've included part of my program below. It's pretty rough and long since I'm really new to programming but I'd really appreciate any help I could get in figuring out where I'm going wrong. The program works up until the point where it tells me if the offense gets to score. Thanks!!

Dim homeplayeroffensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim homeplayerdefensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim homeplayershootingstat(4) As Integer
        Dim awayplayeroffensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim awayplayerdefensestat(4) As Integer
        Dim awayplayershootingstat(4) As Integer
        'convert numbers in textboxes to integers
        Static isconverted As Boolean
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label37.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label38.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label39.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label40.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label41.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label42.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label43.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayeroffensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label44.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label45.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label46.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label47.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayerdefensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label48.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label49.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label50.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label51.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, homeplayershootingstat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label52.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label53.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label54.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label55.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label56.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayeroffensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label57.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label58.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label59.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label60.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label61.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayerdefensestat(4))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label62.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(0))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label63.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(1))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label64.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(2))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label65.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(3))
        isconverted = Integer.TryParse(Label66.Text, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, awayplayershootingstat(4))
        'randomly pick two players to compete
        Dim homeplayer As Integer
        Dim awayplayer As Integer
        Dim randomgenerator As New Random
        homeplayer = randomgenerator.Next(0, 5)
        awayplayer = randomgenerator.Next(0, 5)
        If homeplayer = 0 Then Label67.Text = "Michelle Johnson" Else 
        If homeplayer = 1 Then Label67.Text = "Jennifer Smith" Else 
        If homeplayer = 2 Then Label67.Text = "Jessica Doe" Else 
        If homeplayer = 3 Then Label67.Text = "Rebecca Clark" Else 
        If homeplayer = 4 Then Label67.Text = "Allison James"
        If awayplayer = 0 Then Label69.Text = "Monica Hargrove" Else 
        If awayplayer = 1 Then Label69.Text = "Micah Manning" Else 
        If awayplayer = 2 Then Label69.Text = "Amberly Thompson" Else 
        If awayplayer = 3 Then Label69.Text = "Linda Reynolds" Else 
        If awayplayer = 4 Then Label69.Text = "Brenda Cheatem"
        'pick which team is offense and which is defense
        Dim offense As Integer
        Dim randomgenerator2 As New Random
        offense = randomgenerator2.Next(0, 2)
        If offense = 0 Then Label72.Text = "Offense"
        If offense = 0 Then Label73.Text = "Defense"
        If offense = 1 Then Label72.Text = "Defense"
        If offense = 1 Then Label73.Text = "Offense"
        'compare the offensive and defensive ranks to decide if offense gets to shoot
        Dim homeplyr(4) As Boolean
        Dim awayplyr(4) As Boolean
        Dim hometeamisoffense As Boolean
        Dim awayteamisoffense As Boolean
        If Label72.Text = "Offense" Then
            hometeamisoffense = True
        ElseIf Label72.Text = "Defense" Then
            awayteamisoffense = True
        End If
        If hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso Label67.Text = "Michelle Johnson" Then
            homeplyr(0) = True
        ElseIf hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso Label67.Text = "Jennifer Smith" Then
            homeplyr(1) = True
        ElseIf hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso Label67.Text = "Jessica Doe" Then
            homeplyr(2) = True
        ElseIf hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso Label67.Text = "Rebecca Clark" Then
            homeplyr(3) = True
        ElseIf hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso Label67.Text = "Allison James" Then
            homeplyr(4) = True
        End If
        If awayteamisoffense = True AndAlso Label69.Text = "Monica Hargrove" Then
            awayplyr(0) = True
        ElseIf awayteamisoffense = True AndAlso Label69.Text = "Micah Manning" Then
            awayplyr(1) = True
        ElseIf awayteamisoffense = True AndAlso Label69.Text = "Amberly Thompson" Then
            awayplyr(2) = True
        ElseIf awayteamisoffense = True AndAlso Label69.Text = "Linda Reynolds" Then
            awayplyr(3) = True
        ElseIf awayteamisoffense = True AndAlso Label69.Text = "Brenda Cheatem" Then
            awayplyr(4) = True
        End If

        Dim matchup(24) As Boolean
        If homeplyr(0) = True AndAlso awayplyr(0) = True Then
            matchup(0) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(0) = True AndAlso awayplyr(1) = True Then
            matchup(1) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(0) = True AndAlso awayplyr(2) = True Then
            matchup(2) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(0) = True AndAlso awayplyr(3) = True Then
            matchup(3) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(0) = True AndAlso awayplyr(4) = True Then
            matchup(4) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(1) = True AndAlso awayplyr(0) = True Then
            matchup(5) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(1) = True AndAlso awayplyr(1) = True Then
            matchup(6) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(1) = True AndAlso awayplyr(2) = True Then
            matchup(7) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(1) = True AndAlso awayplyr(3) = True Then
            matchup(8) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(1) = True AndAlso awayplyr(4) = True Then
            matchup(9) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(2) = True AndAlso awayplyr(0) = True Then
            matchup(10) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(2) = True AndAlso awayplyr(1) = True Then
            matchup(11) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(2) = True AndAlso awayplyr(2) = True Then
            matchup(12) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(2) = True AndAlso awayplyr(3) = True Then
            matchup(13) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(2) = True AndAlso awayplyr(4) = True Then
            matchup(14) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(3) = True AndAlso awayplyr(0) = True Then
            matchup(15) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(3) = True AndAlso awayplyr(1) = True Then
            matchup(16) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(3) = True AndAlso awayplyr(2) = True Then
            matchup(17) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(3) = True AndAlso awayplyr(3) = True Then
            matchup(18) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(3) = True AndAlso awayplyr(4) = True Then
            matchup(19) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(4) = True AndAlso awayplyr(0) = True Then
            matchup(20) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(4) = True AndAlso awayplyr(1) = True Then
            matchup(21) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(4) = True AndAlso awayplyr(2) = True Then
            matchup(22) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(4) = True AndAlso awayplyr(3) = True Then
            matchup(23) = True
        ElseIf homeplyr(4) = True AndAlso awayplyr(4) = True Then
            matchup(24) = True
        End If

        Static matchupshoot(49) As Boolean
        If matchup(0) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(0) = True
        ElseIf matchup(1) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(1) = True
        ElseIf matchup(2) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(2) = True
        ElseIf matchup(3) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(3) = True
        ElseIf matchup(4) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(4) = True
        ElseIf matchup(5) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(5) = True
        ElseIf matchup(6) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(6) = True
        ElseIf matchup(7) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(7) = True
        ElseIf matchup(8) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(8) = True
        ElseIf matchup(9) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(9) = True
        ElseIf matchup(10) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(10) = True
        ElseIf matchup(11) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(11) = True
        ElseIf matchup(12) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(12) = True
        ElseIf matchup(13) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(13) = True
        ElseIf matchup(14) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(14) = True
        ElseIf matchup(15) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(15) = True
        ElseIf matchup(16) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(16) = True
        ElseIf matchup(17) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(17) = True
        ElseIf matchup(18) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(18) = True
        ElseIf matchup(19) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(19) = True
        ElseIf matchup(20) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(20) = True
        ElseIf matchup(21) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(21) = True
        ElseIf matchup(22) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(22) = True
        ElseIf matchup(23) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(23) = True
        ElseIf matchup(24) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = True AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) > awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(24) = True
        ElseIf matchup(0) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(25) = True
        ElseIf matchup(1) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(26) = True
        ElseIf matchup(2) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(27) = True
        ElseIf matchup(3) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(28) = True
        ElseIf matchup(4) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(0) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(29) = True
        ElseIf matchup(5) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(30) = True
        ElseIf matchup(6) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(31) = True
        ElseIf matchup(7) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(32) = True
        ElseIf matchup(8) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(33) = True
        ElseIf matchup(9) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(1) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(34) = True
        ElseIf matchup(10) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(35) = True
        ElseIf matchup(11) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(36) = True
        ElseIf matchup(12) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(37) = True
        ElseIf matchup(13) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(38) = True
        ElseIf matchup(14) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(2) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(39) = True
        ElseIf matchup(15) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(40) = True
        ElseIf matchup(16) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(41) = True
        ElseIf matchup(17) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(42) = True
        ElseIf matchup(18) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(43) = True
        ElseIf matchup(19) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(3) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(44) = True
        ElseIf matchup(20) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(0) Then
            matchupshoot(45) = True
        ElseIf matchup(21) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(1) Then
            matchupshoot(46) = True
        ElseIf matchup(22) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(2) Then
            matchupshoot(47) = True
        ElseIf matchup(23) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(3) Then
            matchupshoot(48) = True
        ElseIf matchup(24) = True AndAlso hometeamisoffense = False AndAlso homeplayeroffensestat(4) < awayplayerdefensestat(4) Then
            matchupshoot(49) = True
        End If
        If matchupshoot(0) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(1) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(2) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(3) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(4) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(5) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(6) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(7) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(8) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(9) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(10) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(11) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(12) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(13) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(14) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(15) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(16) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(17) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(18) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(19) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(20) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(21) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(22) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(23) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(24) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(25) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(26) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(27) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(28) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(29) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(30) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(31) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(32) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(33) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(34) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(35) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(36) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(37) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(38) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(39) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(40) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(41) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(42) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(43) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(44) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(45) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(46) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(47) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(48) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        ElseIf matchupshoot(49) = True Then
            Label74.Text = "Offense takes a shot!"
        Else : Label74.Text = "Offense does not get to shoot!"
        End If
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