/stores and retrieves data for two secret asgents


void main ()

struct personnel {
char name [30];
int agnumb; int agent;

struct personnel agent1;
struct personnel agent2;
char numstr[81];

printf("\nagent 1.)\nEnter name:");
printf("Enter agent number (3 digits): ");
printf("Enter agent number (3 digits);");

printf("\nList of agents:\n);
printf("Agent number: %03d\n", agent1.agnumb);
printf("Name: %s\n", agent2.name);
printf(Agent number: %3d \n", agent2.agnumb);

i would also like to use arrays so that the stucture can store and retrieve data of 20 agents. pls hel

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whats the error that you're getting??

for array of structure say

personnel arr[20];
arr[0].name = "blah";
arr[1].name = "blah";

and so on and so forth. you can put this in a loop to take 20 inputs

A few things are wrong:

- It's int main() not void main()
- If you want to use atoi, you'll have to include <stdlib.h>
- Don't use gets(), you don't need to take in a string when you want an int

You have an error is this line:

printf("\nList of agents:\n);

There's a quote (") missing.

In this line the same problem:

printf(Agent number: %3d \n", agent2.agnumb);

If you had used code-tags when posting you would have seen it yourself.


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