Allright, this is the deal, im trying to use Install Sheild to install a program I wrote in java. But I cannot make shortcuts on the desktop and/or START menu linking to the .jar file, it has to be a .exe file, so I need to make a simple .exe file so I can have shortcuts. this is my simple program so far:
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Process^ minProsses = gcnew Process;
ProcessStartInfo^ minProssesStartInfo = gcnew ProcessStartInfo("\\test.jar");
minProsses->StartInfo = minProssesStartInfo;
return 0;
but it doesn't seem to find the .jar file, might be that the address is wrong and it doesn't accept \\ to be the folder itself is in.
So there is one thing, it doesn't know what folder it is in, since people can install it where they want, so I cannot really set the shortcut to be "C:\\Program Files\\MyProg\\test.jar". It has to be like this; "CurrentDirectory" + "\\test.jar" or something.
Really hope someone here can help me out, since I've already tried 2 other forums.
And yes, I'm not so good with C++, just a small course at school, but this should be easy, but I can't seem to find the answer.
thx for your help