I really need help. I have this whole program and am getting on error.

Post the code in CODE tags, the exact error, and what about it you don't understand.

I dont know how to put it in code tags thats why I attached the file

Just put [code] before and [/code] after your code - or highlight it and click the code tag button at the top of the editor (the advaced editor, not the little quick reply one at the bottom of the thread)

How do I load a JFrame that I made in one program when I click an option in another program. If payroll is clicked in the buttons program I want the frame from the last_try program. I really need help. I am running out of time

Sorry wrong file

How do I load a JFrame that I made in one program when I click an option in another program. If payroll is clicked in the buttons program I want the frame from the payprogram. I really need help. I am running out of time

The same as you load any JFrame.

pay payFrame = new pay();
payFrame .setSize(500,500);
payFrame .setVisible(true);

(It wouldn't hurt to read Sun's recommended coding conventions document either: http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConvTOC.doc.html Class names should be capitalized so as not to be confused with a variable or method name)

These are some pretty long files. Don't have time to look at them right now, but will have time later today. Consider copying and pasting them (preferably an abridged version) into a post. To use code tags, do this:

[code=JAVA] // paste your code here


This will highlight the JAVA syntax and give line numbers to refer to. If you can refer to specific parts of the program and what you are trying to do that is not working, that will help and you'll get more people viewing it. I will check back in later today.

I could have sworn I posted within the last half hour. Must have just hit the preview or left the page before giving the system a chance to register the new post. Okay, I just want to make sure that we're talking about Buttons.java and pay.java and that last_try.java is irrelevant to this thread. And are you still having the problem and are the files still the same?

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