#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int queue_size = 1000;

class queue
      // array containing queue elements
      char data [queue_size];
      char *front,   // index of the front of the queue 
                   // indexes 1 before actual front element
          *rear;    // index of the rear element in the queue
      // constructor creates an empty queue
      queue ();
      // adds a new element to the rear of the queue
      void enqueue (char item);
      // removes and returns the element at the front of the queue
      char dequeue ();
      // returns true if the queue is empty
      bool empty ();
      // returns true if the queue is full
      bool full ();
      void print();

// constructor creates an empty queue
queue::queue ()
   front = data;
   rear = data;

// adds a new element to the rear of the queue
void queue::enqueue (char item)
     // if the queue is full, print error
     if (full ())
        cout << "\n\nQueue: enqueue error";
        cout << "\nEnqueueing on a full queue";
     else // OK to add an element
        rear ++;
        *rear = item;

// removes and returns the element at the front of the queue
char queue::dequeue ()
     // if the queue is empty, print error
     if (empty ())
        cout << "\n\nQueue: dequeue error";
        cout << "\nDequeueing an empty queue";
        cout << "\nReturning a space";
        return ' ';
     else // OK to remove an element
         front ++;
         return *front;
// returns true if the queue is empty
bool queue::empty ()
     return front == rear;
// returns true if the queue is full
bool queue::full ()
     return data + queue_size -1 == front;

void queue::print()
     char *mover,*last;
     if(front == rear)
       cout <<"empty";
     last = rear;
     if (mover == data+ queue_size-1)
           mover= data;
     for(mover= front; mover <= last;mover++)
         cout<< *mover <<" ";

Can you help me with the print function, i dont know if that is the right code to print it with Wrap Around

i dont know if that is the right code to print it with Wrap Around

No. You will have to check for wrap-around every time the pointer is incremented (i.e. inside the loop).

You will also have to check for wrap-around in enqueue() and dequeue() or you will read/write past the end of data[].

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